Regular Meeting – January 6, 2015


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Mike Williams at 10:00.  Members present:  Arden Potter, Larry Helsley and Bill Britton.  Members absent: George Owen.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2014 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

C.    Approve Budget Adjustment-

MSC Potter/Britton to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS: None



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: The program is at a halt due to heavy rains and the holidays.  Will begin again next week.

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        State of Jefferson impact on Fire Departments

·        OES Type III engine instead of Water Tender still working on it

·        New duty rig is in – Todd C working on lights/radios

·        Awards dinner on January 30th

·        B2103 out of service

·        Calls for 2014 = 483

·        SCBA testing

·        D.C. School Fire Safe House presentation

C.    Fire Department Report: None.  

D.    Sleeper Program Reports:  None.     

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee:  Met to discuss interviews and protocols, went over laws provided by Jim Underwood.  Will meet again on February 2, at 11:00 a.m. to select questions.

·        Collection Committee: No report

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: No report.

·        Budget Committee:  Met to discuss mid-year review – budget on track.   

F.     Director Reports: Britton- received 3 resumes so far.  Discussion on interviews. Potter – thanked everyone for all of their help while he was Chairman last year.  Williams – discussion on dorms.                                               


         V.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


       VI.               CORRESPONDENCE:   SDRMA will not bill for worker comp in quarterly invoices next year – it will be due in one lump payment from now on for all members of SDRMA.


     VII.               ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 hrs.      



__________________________                                    __________________________

    Mike Williams, Chairman                                        Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board